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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Swachh Sagar Surakshit Sagar Campaign ( C.B.S.E )

Swachh Sagar Surakshit Sagar Quiz

   ( FOR ALL )

          Start Date : 29 Aug 2022, 2:00 pm

End Date : 17 Sep 2022, 11:59 pm

Class I to IV

Painting and Sketching Competitions


End Date : 11 Sep 2022, 11:59 pm

Participants to submit original paintings or sketches themed ‘Our Oceans So Beautiful’ or ‘Humara Sagar Itne Sundar’. Entries should highlight what they know to be the most beautiful thing in the ocean or what they imagine could be the most revered thing in the ocean. They can be as creative and innovative as they want to. This could include creatures, treasures, equipment, technology, monuments, cities etc. anything.


Class V to VIII

Painting / Sketching and Essay Writing Competitions

Painting/ Sketch Competition - CLICK HERE

Essay Writing Competition - CLICK HERE

End Date : 11 Sep 2022, 11:59 pm

Participants to submit original sketches, hand drawn paintings, and upto 800 words essay themed ‘Cleaner Oceans, Better Life’ or ‘Swachh Sagar, Sampoorna Jeevan’. The focus should be to share ideas around how cleaner oceans and greener coastal areas can improve the quality of life of citizens. 

Class IX to XII

Poetry & Jingle Writing, and Painting Competitions

Poetry Competition - CLICK HERE

Painting Competition - CLICK HERE

Jingle Competition - CLICK HERE

End Date : 11 Sep 2022, 11:59 pm

Participants to submit original poems upto four stanzas, jingles not more than 4 lines,. And original paintings themed ‘Cleaner Oceans: Life and Living’ or ‘Swachh Sagar: Jeevan Aur Aajeevika’. The entries should highlight how cleaner oceans and healthier coastal ecosystems help sustain life and livelihoods.  

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