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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Intel® AI Global Impact Festival 2023

Intel® AI Global Impact Festival is an annual Digital Readiness celebration to showcase AI innovation and impact by next-gen technologists and future developers with government, academia and communities.

 How to Participate:
Celebrate-Learn-Compete and earn Intel badge, certificate, and awards 

 Get certified for completing 5 experiential and engaging microlearning modules on topics like 
 Introduction to Generative AI 
 Introduction to Responsible AI skills 
 Introductionto Web3.0 
 DemystifyingIntel® Dev Cloud 
 Demystify AIand OpenVINO™ Toolkit  

Building on the phenomenal success of the previous two CBSE Intel AI Global Impact Festivals, Intel® is organizing the third annual Intel® AI Global Impact Festival. This Digital Readiness celebration bridges the gap between innovation and education, offering a bounty of learning avenues for both students and educators. 

 Virtual format means it can be accessed from anywhere, making it a truly global event. 
 Dive deep into self-paced micro-learning modules on trending topics
 Witness a global showcase of AI innovations and best AI teaching-learning practices by students and educators. 
 Witness best AI skilling practices showcased by governments worldwide. 
 Engage in a range of fun activities like Virtual Selfie Booth, AI Gaming Arena and more - all while collecting badges.  
 Festival Dates: 13th to 20th September 2023 

 Link to Participate: CLICK HERE


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