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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Slogan Writing Contest on My Income Tax, My Pride


Income tax plays a crucial role in fuelling the growth of India by providing the Government with essential revenue for infrastructure development, social welfare programs and public services.

The Income Tax Department, in collaboration with MyGov, intends to run this contest in order to broaden the taxpayer base and engage with a wider populace by highlighting its crucial role in national development through revenue collection. An All India slogan writing contest on the topic “My Income Tax, My Pride” (“मेरा आयकर, मेरा गर्व”) aims to generate enthusiasm among taxpayers and instill a sense of pride and belonging in them. The contest is in English and Hindi language.

1) Top three slogans in both languages will be awarded a cash prize of Rs. 11000/- each. Ten Consolation prizes of Rs. 1000 each in both languages will be awarded.
2) Contributors of top three slogans in each language will be felicitated during the Income Tax Day celebrations on 24th July, 2024 in New Delhi, India.

Click here for terms and conditions. (333 KB) 



1 comment:

  1. Without water none can ever survive.. save each and every single drop of water we can.. plant more trees.. save rain water.. to make a better future


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